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規(guī) 格: 行業(yè)標準 
單 價: 面議 
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供貨總量: 99999
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
所在地: 全國
有效期至: 長期有效
更新日期: 2010-07-10 03:02
瀏覽次數(shù): 2
離子交換器(水處理設備)是用于降低水中的硬度。生水由上而下通過交換器進行軟水,水中含苞欲放有的鎂、鈣、陽離子與水交換劑的鈉離子互相交換;生水被軟化成為含極少的鈣、鎂、鹽類的水(稱為軟水),可用于鍋爐給水及一些工業(yè)用水。由于鈉離子在水中有很大的溶解性。不會在鍋爐內(nèi)部結成硬垢,并且容易排除。進入鈉離子交換器的水。應經(jīng)澄清過濾處理,基本上不含有懸浮物。經(jīng)交換器軟化后。其剩余硬度不超過0.03毫克當量/升。 The exchanging device is for reducing the hardnes of hard water. Raw water goes through the exchanger from top to bottom, to be softened by the sodium iomexchanger inside the device. The positve ions of magneslum and calcium are exchanged with that of sodium. Then the raw water becomes soft water contiaing very few ions of magnesium and calcium. The soft water can be used for feeding water of boiler and for some hard sediment in the boiler and can be easily removed. Raw water shall be filtered and settled with almost on suspended before coming into the lonechaging device. After being softened in the device, the water shardness shall be less than 0.03mg equiwalent/1.離子交換器(水處理設備)主要技術參數(shù)型號SNJ-3SNJ-6SNJ-10SNJ-15處理水量(m3/h)2-34-68-1010-15工作壓力(Mpa)<0.3<0.3<0.3<0.3工作周期(d)48-5048-5048-5048-50離子交換器732樹脂(或磺化媒)樹脂堆積凈高度(mm)外形尺寸(L*W*H) (mm)480*260060*2800800*29001000*2900總質量(kg)3006508601200Main TechnologicalModelSNJ-3SNJ-6SNJ-10SNJ-15Processing capacity(m3/h)2-34-68-1010-15Working pressure (Mpa)<0.3<0.3<0.3<0.3Working period (d)48-5048-5048-5048-50Lan-exchanger732樹脂(或磺化媒)Appearance size (mm) (L*W*H) (mm)480*260060*2800800*29001000*2900Weight (kg)3006508601200外形結構參數(shù)變化恕不另行通知,歡迎來函來電咨詢。
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